Feedback & Testimonials

Testimonial from Kinetik Global Pty Ltd
The Health Check is a great report and I am grateful for all the information. It gave me great insights into to how our potential customers may perceive us and outlined a detailed approach to how we can improve on each of the areas. We can now work to increase our percentages and our digital profile effectiveness.
Testimonial from Midlander Motor Inn
The courses are amazing and are laid out well! I wasn't expecting to learn as much as I did but I'm happy I have 🙂
Testimonial from Maryborough Telecommunications
I am beyond grateful I had the opportunity to experience Navii and all the amazing and kind role-models in their team. They have assisted me so much in becoming digitally aware and how important my digital business is. I could not recommend Navii enough - everyone is so informative and knowledgeable. The skills and tools they have provided me with are so valuable and I could not imagine where I would be without them. Thank you all so much for giving me so much knowledge and guiding me every step of the way.
Testimonial from
The Retailers Training Support would have been of great benefit to many local traders. I hope they get an opportunity to attend this training in the future. Thank you for all your great tips 🙂
Testimonial from Periapt Advisory Pty Ltd
The Navii Group Coaching Call was really insightful and valuable. We were able to get some valuable foundation information around website sales funnels and strategies for understanding which is a lead product for a business at a particular point in time to focus on short and medium term goals with that product in mind.
Video Testimonial from Candice Stothers from Stothers Music & Hi Fi
The literacy around how to use something as like, magic, as the internet, if it's used correctly, is really appealing. And the fact that there are resources around you that help you and guide you and give you those tools to be able to use that to really like it's endless. The possibilities that the internet can give you a business is endless. But it's really daunting to be like, where do I start? How do I start and not get scammed or whatever XYZ is. So having reputable programs like this is just priceless.
Video Testimonial from Paul from Dingo Conveyancing
I think it's, it's vital that you keep an eye out for what's available. And when something like this comes out. It's not a huge time commitment. But what it does is highlight all the time you're wasting and getting clients. So I'm just hopeful that with implementing a few of these things, I'll be able to encourage more people to come to my door or at least consider my services and see how we go.
Video Testimonial from Pip from piPfiT
If you're a small business looking at expanding and growing in the digital world, then definitely jump on board and try and get some advice.
Video from Maxine from Our Past Times
Do it just anytime the door opens, walk straight through it and take every single opportunity there is because one of my beliefs in life has always been you can always learn at least one thing, even if you've been the same course over and over and over again. And it's also with a lot of the small courses if you're doing them in a workshop setting. There's a lot of networking going on there too. And that's a valuable tool.
Video from Sharon from Boat Harbour Jetty B & B
As a new business coming into it with no experience at all, and not knowing what to do, there's so much information out there, not knowing who to go to and kind of having that feeling. It's all too much. I don't know what to do. Being able to take part in these courses where you're nurtured. And you're given the information that's actually specific for you to help you learn and develop and grow has been absolutely wonderful. We've really found that it's enabled us to get them on the right track, to target ourselves where we need to, and everything workable. That been the main part that I've taken out of it. It's all doable. 
Video Testimonial from Graham from Exquisite Treats
I guess sometimes you have to step outside your comfort zone and do things like this. And until you actually do it, you don't really know where you're going to get a benefit from it. You actually have to step outside your comfort zone, do the course, and see what you get from it. You don't have to keep going if it's not your cup of tea at all, but my suggestion is it's really worthwhile doing even just to get one advantage over other businesses in your business's social media presence.
Video Testimonial from Dianne from Hartwell Shoes
I found the health check on all my digital presences really helpful. Like you know, there's so much information in there things that you wouldn't even think about unless you know, really well trained in this area. So it's given me a lot of points that are you know, that I need to work on polishing up. The one-on-one training has been absolutely phenomenal, like just brilliant. And she's just such a brilliant, trainer. And the group training was wonderful. It's great to collaborate and meet other businesses working together and to walk away from that, actually, knowing that we're going to be able to work together in the future and collaborate moving forward.
Video Testimonial from David from Talbot Old and Rare Books
Well, I'm in a situation where I've set up a business. But the bricks and mortar aspect is actually a bit uncertain in terms of ongoing tenancy and so forth. And all through said, since setting up the business a year ago, I've had the intention to be online. But I've found myself endlessly stumped by the complexities of how we integrate the different aspects. And I've always been pretty weary of Facebook and Instagram, and so forth to do with, how you set up accounts and what those accounts then do. These workshops have been really great for actually showing how a lot of these things can integrate.
Testimonial from Word Ninjas
The Digital Engagement health check was incisive and clear on how to improve our business website and social media presence. Easy-to-follow instructions on what to fix, and concise explanations of what was wrong, mean we now have the tools to make our website really work for the business. Highly recommend it!
Testimonial from SINTRA SKIN CLINIC
The digital health check was great because it alerted me to a few things I needed to do to enhance my website and to focus a little more on my Facebook, which was the kick up the butt I needed as I often neglect it. So far I have really enjoyed all of the programs for Navii on how to market my business further. As a small business owner who does it all, it can be very overwhelming knowing where to start or how to do things, so this has improved my confidence and given me the skills I need to move forward.
Testimonial from St Peters Dental Clinic
It was a long time coming, but the Digital Engagement Health Check was worth waiting for! The report was clearly written and demonstrated numerous insights. There are some really basic website issues we can address straight away, and other medium term social media strategies that I should be able to implement with my new keen team by next year. Not all suggestions are relevant for our specific business, but it is a great starting point - no more excuses!
Testimonial from Boat Harbour Jetty B and B
Navii has given me tools and guidance to empower me to take control of my businesses digital presence. Clear and easy to understand feedback that enabled me to create a plan for both my website and social media pages. Highly recommend Navii to all small and medium sized businesses!
Testimonial from KayMast Clinic
Yes you can definitely use my feedback. I very much appreciate having access to this amazing program from Navii. It has helped me learn so much that I wouldn't learned without it. I believe it is the building blocks for creating solid foundations. Going from trying to figure this stuff out myself was literally an overwhelming nightmare for my ADHD brain. I truly see the value of having mentors and coaches. Thank you so much.
Testimonial from ABM Risk Partnership
Broadly speaking, the assessment was an eye-opener for our business. Whilst our website looks good, some of the technical issues to generate better search results hadn't been addressed. These alone make the process well worthwhile.
Testimonial from Harvest The Fleurieu
Strongly recommend all businesses small and large to take the time to invest in your online presence. Navii have given us the knowledge and understanding we needed to get the most out of our social media accounts and website.
Testimonial from Telephone Audio Magic
I'd say nobody who operates a business already knows everything required to really shine. A bit of friendly help never goes astray! Navii's Digital Launchpad is an eye-opener - providing my company with systematic, clear and easy to follow guides, on improving my company's online performance. There's a lot there, I have only begun to scratch the surface but so far, it's very beneficial. I look forward to implementing as many improvements as I can.
Testimonial from Cocktail Candy
Love the report. It will be followed to the letter. Keeping up to date with best practice is increasingly hard. So I'm happy to have a checklist of the right things needed. Thanks
Testimonial from Tidy House Work
I'm a very happy camper. Mandy was amazing and all the work we've done together has been paying off. I'm getting two new bookings a day and every job I quote gets booked. It's such an improvement from how things were going before. Very very happy - thank you!
Testimonial from Eco Patch
A must if you wish to improve your business.
Testimonial from The Physio Nook
Thank you for your prompt service and detailed yet easy to understand report provided for our digital health check. I started implementing the suggested changes the day I got the report.
Testimonial from H&M Productions
Thank you! - I found the Next Best Steps course a great guide to take a fresh look at my online presence and marketing content, plus how best to approach improving it. It covered off important areas quickly, from websites to social media. I love that there is a great support network on the course portal for comments, chats, as well as the private dedicated Facebook group. The steps helped me to create priorities, think of options and put a simple yet effective and easy plan for me to focus on.  I had also opted for the digital health check which was a great insight into where I had to personally improve. The final touch I greatly appreciated at the end was the follow-up meeting. This was a great way to review and ask any final questions.
Testimonial from AVELLE Custom Candles
I can strongly recommend Navii and all that is taught there. Everything I have learnt as part of the Biz 101 online course has been very informative, self-paced and relevant.
Testimonial from Cam Realty
You need to take the time to do some of these courses! They are invaluable for my business taking into the new world we live in! Thanks Fabienne just brilliant! Regards Cam Rodgers LREA