
Marketing Automation Package

If you know you’re not running your business as efficiently as possible making use of automation tools like Zapier and the like this package is for you. This package is delivered by Navii’s Chief Information Officer and system integrator extraordinaire Fabienne Wintle.

The objective of this package is get you started with business automation so you can free up a number of hours a week to work on what can’t be automated. The package includes a consultation with Fabienne, a number of hours for her to set up your automations in your systems and video training.

Original price was: $690.00.Current price is: $600.00.

Components of the package?

  • The marketing automation package includes an initial consultation with our Chief Automator Fabienne Wintle. At the end of the consultation, you will be educated about automation and have a clear idea of what you’d like automated right away to save the most time and $. .
  • Fabienne will then implement the automation in your own accounts (this is critical) on our end and will provide you with training and documentation about the automation so you can improve and/or extend it as your business grows.
  • To make the most of this package and our time please have all your systems logins handy so no time is wasted sourcing those and we can get straight down to business.

Examples of what we could build

  • Connect your online shop customers to your email marketing system
  • Set up a system to automatically download all emails with a tax invoice attached to Dropbox or other
  • Get a digest of new Xero sales invoices sent to your Gmail on a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule

Here is a short live session delivered by Fabienne and Liz about marketing automation: